What is DLT Registration? Why It Is Required For SMS Service In India?

Digital Gyan School

 What is DLT Registration? Why It Is Required For SMS Service In India?

 What is DLT Registration? Why It Is Required For SMS Service In India?

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is a block-chain based registration system.

According to TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India), telemarketers have to be registered in the DLT platform.

It is being issued in the public interest to control the SMS spam from various marketing firms.

Earlier the bulk SMS providers were required to register with TRAI.

With the updated rules, whoever wants to send promotional or transactional SMS to their customers needs to be DLT registered.

Table of Contents

  •     What Is DLT?
  •     Updated TRAI Rules For Bulk SMS
  •     Principal Entity
  •     End Customer
  •     Service Provider
  •     Telecom Operators
  •     Regulator
  •     Register As A Telemarketer Or Enterprise
  •     Procedure For DLT Registration
  •     Telemarketer Registration Process
  •     Enterprise Registration Process
  •     How DLT Registration Helps Enterprises and Customers? 

What Is DLT?

The DLT platform keeps records of all the transactions made by the network participants.

It is mandatory as per the new TRAI regulations. Communication messages like OTP, verification codes, notification, etc sent by businesses to their customers need to be registered in the TRAI DLT platform.

There are multiple phases to implement the above regulation which mandated the use of blockchain-based technology known as DLT. Most of the telecom operators have already implemented the DLT system.

It’s aimed at creating more transparency and reducing the incidence of spam and fraud done through SMS.

Corefactors is taking special measures to offer regulatory compliant solutions in line with TRAI rules and regulations to create a more transparent system for communication. It enables you to send SMS to your leads directly through automation.

Updated TRAI Rules For Bulk SMS

To prevent customers from unsolicited commercial communication TRAI has revised the rules for telemarketers and enterprises for bulk SMS service in India.

It has formulated guidelines to enhance control and prevent any fraudulent practice. It also gives greater safety for the end customer.

The companies who want to send promotional or transactional messages to their customers will now have to register themselves with telecom operators.

They will be accountable to telecom operators who will be directly accountable to TRAI.

The system is governed using blockchain technology known as DLT and the whole panel entities will be interlinked with each other.

To help you understand the system it’s advised you learn about the commercial communication ecosystem. There are different types of entities involved in the process.

Principal Entity

It’s the organization who’s sending SMS to the customers. It could be an individual, partnership firm, or any private and government entity.

As per the updated TRAI rules every entity has to be registered with the telecom operators in the DLT platform.

End Customer

The end customer is the mobile subscriber who will receive the SMS. S(he) can provide consent to receive promotional SMS from any business.

The end customer can set preferences, register complaints, and unsubscribe at any time as per the TRAI rules.

Service Provider

Bulk SMS service providers are the ones who provide this service to organizations or companies.

Every service provider needs to be registered on the DLT platform to send messages on behalf of the principal entity.

Telecom Operators

These are the access providers who would be directly connected to TRAI and help in the regulation process. Example: Vodafone, Airtel, Idea, BSNL, etc.

These are the access providers who would be directly connected to TRAI and help in the regulation process. Example: Vodafone, Airtel, Idea, BSNL, etc.


Regulatory compliance is established by the regulator, i.e TRAI. It audits and governs the operations to safeguard customers’ interests and prevent fraudulent practices.

Register As A Telemarketer Or Enterprise

The DLT platform lets you register as a Telemarketer or Enterprise. If you deal with customers and communicate with them through SMS you’re most probably a telemarketer.

Telemarketers are two types:

  • Telemarketer Aggregator: Doesn’t have a direct connection with the telecom operator. Could be an individual or company.
  • Telemarketer Delivery: Collects SMS/voice traffic from enterprises. Has a direct connection with telecom operators.

Telemarketers are the main source of sales for many companies. The most common form of telemarketing is outbound sales, where businesses need to communicate with customers through SMS or voice.

Therefore it is necessary to register in the DLT platform as a Telemarketer to send promotional and transactional messages.

On the other hand, Enterprises are businesses that deal with products or services that would like to connect with leads through SMS to increase their sales.

Your business needs to be registered in the DLT platform as per TRAI rule as an enterprise if you require to communicate with your prospects via SMS.

Procedure For DLT Registration

TRAI has mandated the registration of telemarketers and enterprises in the DLT platform. Registration charges can vary depending on your service provider.

Telemarketer Registration Process

  • Choose as a Telemarketer.
  • Select the Aggregator function.
  • Click on “No” when asked “Have you registered with any other mobile operator DLT network.
  • Enter your business PAN number.
  • Wait for OTP verification.
  • Verify your Email.
  • Login to the portal.
  • Fill the required details and upload any documents needed.
  • Get your registration number after completing the above steps.
  • Your Telemarketer registration ID will be given to you within 72 hours of your KYC upload.

Enterprise Registration Process

  • Choose as an Enterprise.
  • Click on “No” when asked “Have you registered with any other mobile operator DLT network.
  • Enter your business PAN number.
  • Fill the form with required details.
  • Wait for OTP verification.
  • Verify your Email.
  • Login to the portal.
  • Upload the required documents.
  • Get your registration number after completing the above steps.
  • Your Enterprise registration ID will be given to you within 72 hours of your KYC upload.

How DLT Registration Helps Enterprises and Customers?

Enterprises that run SMS marketing campaigns require to register themselves in the DLT platform according to TRAI guidelines. This has been introduced to initiate transparency of the functionalities of Enterprises.

It also helps TRAI identify the customers who initiate the SMS/voice service so that they can transparently use the service without any trust issues.

This has been implemented by all the operators and now telemarketers and enterprises can make the registration under any operator’s DLT platform following the above steps.

You’ll be receiving a unique registration number as per your registration as a telemarketer or enterprise on the first phase of DLT registration.

Customer Benefits

  • Elimination of spam and fraud’s been a concern for many years.
  • The use of blockchain technology ensures security.
  • Separate registration for telemarketers and enterprises gives more transparency.
  • Customer consent is required before sending the SMS, even the slot timing is selected by customers.

Enterprise Benefits

  • More targeted outreach to the customers.
  • All headers and templates are registered on the platform.
  • Better communication with the customers who actually want to receive information from you.
  • Improved marketing practices to reach your target audience.


TRAI regulations have been enforced by the telecom operators and the implementation can’t be pushed back.

With the sender names from the DLT portals, your SMS will be blocked by telecom operators.

We strongly urge you to register your business in the DLT platform so that you can run multiple SMS marketing campaigns to communicate with your leads and grow your business.

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