How To Add Twitter Widgets on website and blog

Digital Gyan School


Though Twitter may not be making as much money as Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok, there is no denying that Twitter is one of the most engaging social media platforms. Even most of the governments and politicians across the world use Twitter for official purposes over others platforms to connect with people. Without a doubt, Twitter is an easy and quick way to stay connected with your audience through words. In this article, I will guide you on how to use Twitter Publish to promote your Twitter account on your website and grow followers on Twitter.

What is Twitter Publish?

Twitter Publish is an online tool by Twitter that makes it easy to embed content from Twitter on a blog or website. Previously, it was known as Twitter Widgets and it has been now replaced with Twitter Publish.

With Twitter Publish, you can easily generate codes to embed tweets, timelines or even add follow buttons to your website.

If your website is attracting lots of visits, it will be a smart idea to promote your Twitter account on your website to gain new followers on Twitter.

Creating Twitter Widgets using Twitter Publish

Like I said above, we can generate codes to embed tweets, timelines or even add follow buttons in your website using Twitter Publish.

To be specific, with Twitter Publish we can embed the following types of content:

  • Collection
  • Tweet
  • Profile
  • List
  • Moment
  • Timeline
  • Hashtag

How to Embed A Tweet

To embed a tweet on your website, we can use Twitter Publish to generate the embed code.

Just enter the URL to the tweet on the Twitter Publish tool and press Enter. 

Click on “Copy Code” button to copy the embed code and paste it into the code of your website or blog.

You can also make basic customizations like theme color, link color, and language.

How to Embed A Twitter Timeline

We can also use the Twitter Publish tool to generate embed codes of a timeline.

To embed a Twitter timeline,

  1. Just enter the Twitter profile URL. You can control the height, width, theme, and link color of the embed you want.
  2. Press Enter to generate the code.
  3. Paste the embed code into your blog or website.

How to Add Twitter Buttons

With Twitter Publish, we can easily generate a variety of buttons like:

  • Share button
  • Follow button
  • Mention button
  • Hashtag button
  • Message button

These buttons can help your site to get more engagement on Twitter.

Adding Twitter Widget in Blogger

If you are using Blogger platform, you may be wondering where to paste the embed code in your blog. The best way to paste embed code in Blogger blog without messing with theme code is to use the HTML / Javascript gadget provided by Blogger.

To add the Twitter widget on your Blogger blog, go to the Blogger dashboard > Layout > Click on “Add a Gadget” and select the HTML / Javascript gadget from the list.

Paste the generated embed code in there and save it.

The Twitter widget will be visible in your blog at the location of the gadget.

Adding Twitter Widget in WordPress

In the case of WordPress, to add the Twitter widget, go to your WordPress admin dashboard > Appearance > Widgets > add the Custom HTML widget and paste the generated code from the Twitter Publish tool.

The Twitter widget will be visible in your blog at the location where you added the Custom HTML widget.


If you are active on Twitter, it might be a good investment to add Twitter widgets to your blog. I hope this article helped you give an idea on how to make Twitter more integrated with your blog.

If you have any trouble adding Twitter widgets to your website or blog, feel free to comment down below, I will have a look.




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